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Life Radio UK – Complaints Procedure

Life Radio UK is committed to providing inspiring radio broadcasts for our listeners, by working in an open and accountable way that can build trust and respect. Our audience is vital to our success and we want to respond positively to complaints, and correct to mistakes.

We have made the complaint process very easy, and will treat them as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service. Therefore, we will deal with them promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially.

We encourage you to make your complaint promptly, and in writing, taking the time to explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any date, programme, orĀ  presenter name, then allow us time to investigate fully and respond.

These are the steps we will follow.

Step 1
If you hear something that causes an offence, you should send a formal complaint email, setting out the details, the consequences for you, and the remedy you are seeking, and we will acknowledge it immediately.

Step 2
Your complaint will be reviewed, and you can expect a response from us within 15 working days. If we are unable to meet that deadline, we will contact you to ask for an extension. Our intention is to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, and this could take various forms, including an on-air apology or clarification.

Final Stage
If you are not satisfied with our response, you should escalate the matter to the UK Communications Regulator, Ofcom.

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