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Blessed are the Pure in Heart.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

Sincerity and genuine motivations mark someone as pure in heart. These individuals are untainted by negativity or corruption. They also hold firm to their principles and consistently act ethically, even when faced with temptation. In a spiritual sense, the “heart” refers to your inner character and intellect, or your conscience. It’s all about your core character traits.

The Bible identifies several qualities that make someone pure in heart: Firstly, you actively live a life that aligns with God’s teachings and goodness. Secondly, you consistently choose to do what’s right and just. Furthermore, you are honest and avoid deception in your words, and lastly, you fulfil your commitments, even when it’s difficult. The passage assures us that those who live this way will be unshaken. The pure in heart will know God through faith in His Kingdom of Grace, and they will see Him face-to-face one day, when He returns in glory.

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